Saturday, 26 October 2013

Week 8 Reflection

It is now becoming more understandable as to why we should use a blog in our classrooms, as I complete each of my weekly reflections.  I have now witnessed how much I have grown within EDET class as I explore different applications.  It is now a second sense to go into my blogger also to use things learnt in Edet and integrating them into my other lessons. During my 8th week as I got prepared for my break I accomplished all that Mrs Marsh-Roberts asked me to finish up and realised that not everything is as straight forward as we think, such as, print screen to post in paint to add to my blog and changing powerpoint to movie maker (which I am still experiencing difficulties with) so that this too can be place into my blog.  After making my second page I failed to read carefully so it was not visible till week 8.

Wow this is alot of information learned and I enjoyed doing it with my classmates.  Cant wait to bring this into my classroom since I know my students will enjoy watching what I will present them with from this class.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Week 7

Analyze Learners
State Objectives
Select Materials, Methods, and Media
Utilize Materials, Methods and Media
Require Learner Participation
Evaluate and Revise

Assure is a lesson plan which I would think would be very useful as a teacher since it now makes lesson planning more interesting and easier.  This lesson plan is more detailed and integrates the different media we can use in our classrooms.

Movie Maker is a video maker software in which we can edit from Microsoft.  With this we can grasp students attention by showing them the videos during class as an activity.  I was saddened when I realised that i could not get it on my computer *crying*.  I through working with my group members explored Movie maker and produced a video.    This would be an application that my students will be really excited about and enthusiastic to watch.  

Week 5

EDET is now becoming much clearer and I am seeing ways in which we can implement technology in the classroom.  The blog is a very useful tool when you would like to express your thought and expound on your learning experiences.  We as students are using this to reflect on our classes. We are also engaging in peer tutoring and group collaborative efforts.  This has helped us to understand each other better and in doing so working together better.

YEAH loving EDET.

Week 6 Reflection

Personal On Demand Casts (PODcasts)-  is a medium through which we record information or news to be sent over the internet or for other persons to hear.

Audacity is an app with which we make PODcasts.

If  I knew about audacity I would of already downloaded it.  It is a very useful tool we can use to make the learning experience in our classroom interesting.  We can use a podcast to give instructions, attention grabber and as a classroom journal.